March 26, 2011


1. Laughing hysterically
2. Dancing your heart out
3. Star gazing
4. Shopping
5. Going to the beach
6. Listening to the rain
7. Ice-cream on a hot day
8. Feeling wanted
9. Getting that warm, fuzzy feeling when you think about the one you love
10. Receiving text messages
11. Personal jokes
12. Compliments
13. Late night phone calls
14. Christmas
15. Hugs
16. Kisses
17. Knowing someone misses you
18. Knowing someone is thinking of you
19. Good dreams
20. Skipping school for a day
21. Lying on the grass starring into the sky
22. Going up to the snow
23. Jumping into a warm bed on a cold night
24. Seeing your guys/girls name on your mobile when it rings
25. Your first kiss
26. Talking for hours about absolutely nothing
27. Looking back on the laughs
28. Receiving presents
29. Giving presents
30. Birthdays
31. Air conditioning when it's hot
32. Being full of energy
33. Seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend
34. Watching someone do something stupid, and them thinking no one saw
35. Nice smelling perfume/cologne/deodorant
36. Good hair days
37. Turning on the radio to hear that your favorite song is being played
38. Running into an old friend
39. Strolling along the pier at night
40. Finding $5 on the ground
41. Being home alone
42. Reading a good magazine
43. Sun baking
44. Sleeping in
45. Watching the sun come up
46. Seeing a shooting star
47. Waking up to find the person you love in your arms
48. Weekends
49. Holidays
50. Jumping on a trampoline
51. Sitting in front of the fire on a cold evening
52. Smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies
53. Singing into your hairbrush in your room
54. Bubble baths
55. Turning up your stereo as loud as it will go
56. Being so happy it makes you cry
57. Summer
58. Finally completing something you started a long time ago
58. Achieving a long time goal
59. Warm nights
60. Falling in love...

- Christina
Live with no excuses and love with no regrets
- Montel
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

- Unknown

March 20, 2011


"Banyak tamu yang bisa kita pilih ketika mereka datang; kita terima atau kita tolak. Namun, terhadap tamu yang satu ini, kita tidak bisa memilih, kecuali menerima kedatangannya. Dialah tamu kematian."

What the hell is happen with my BlackBerry Messenger?

Keseeeeel banget. Punya blackberry kayak ga guna akhir-akhir ini. udah sebulanan!
Bayangiiiin, sebulanan bb ga bisa dipakeeee. Maksudnya kayak bbm, twitter, facebook, dan lainnya. 
Cuman bisa telfon sama sms doang. Hello! mending juga pake hp biasa daaaaah, 100ribu terbuang sia-sia. Udah berkali-kali complain tapi masih teteeeep aja pending merajalela. 
Udah sempet kepikiran buat ganti provider, tapi rasanya masih berat hati untuk meninggalkan providerku yang satu ini :'> lebay! emaaaang huhhh. Nulis ini blog pas hati lagi kesel  beteeeee bangetttt. 
Gapapa deh kalo twitter, facebook dan lainnya gabisa... eh ya jangaaaaan, bbm gaboleh pending-pending pokonya!!! :(
Sedihnya lagi setiap tanya ke temen pendingnya ke aku aja atau ke yang lainnya juga, ternya cuman ke aku aja!! Bayangkan betapa hancurnya hati ini :'(
Apalagi kalo pas lagi penting-pentingnyaaaaa :""(((
Udah gitu banyak yang marah protes maki-maki kenapa ada apa what's wrong what happen with my BlackBerry Messenger :"(
Udah gatau deh harus ngapain lagi, udah enak banget sebenernya pake provider ini.
Kecuali masalah yang satu ini ya.. :(

Sampe harus labil nge-PING!!! berjuta-juta kali.

I don't care who's right or wrong, I just don't love you no more


I have been trying lately to close my eyes
Those little lambs complaining they’re getting tired
Try as I may and I would fell off my bed
I know just what the cure is it’s gonna work
I need to get you by my side
There’s no other way
But every time I try to catch you I stumble and I fall
How do I begin to finish this never ending fairy tale
I need to get back to reality
Every time you do that thing the thing you always do
I ended up in misery while starring at your photograph
I’m loosing my grip to reality
I woke up turn on the TV for a thousand times
Reruns I’ve seen to many on the animal show
The tiger runs after the dear and he finally catches on
I see the end of the rainbow not far away
This time I’m gonna let it slide

March 13, 2011

don't expect too much

"Don't expect anything in return. Don't expect your efforts to be appreciated, your genius to be discovered and your love to be understood."


Do you see 11:11?

    How often have you noticed the numbers 11:11, 12:12, 10:10, 22:22, 12:34, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 popping up all over the place? These number sequences are not necessarily only time prompts. They can also be number sequences, like 333, 1111 etc. To your mind, is this a coincidence, or are they too frequent to be random? Perhaps you are puzzled or amused by this phenomenon? Possibly even a little bit nervous? The question everyone is asking is "What does 11:11 mean?" and "Is there a reason for this?" And there certainly is.

Millions of folks all around the world are now seeing these amazing 11:11 prompts. They are folks of all colours, all religions, all beliefs. It's spreading, and becoming far more common; it's become a major phenomenon. Someone or something is causing all these folks to look at clocks, number plates, phone numbers or any source of numbers even when they make no effort themselves to look for these things. You can even change your clocks in the house, and you will still be prompted, at the "wrong" time. You can't stop it, because YOU aren't doing it. Sometimes you will even see these numbers flashing after a power outage, even though digital clocks are supposed to reset to 12:00, not 11:11 or 12:12!

These 11:11 Wake-Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels, and the 11:11 prompt is their way of using our innate ability for pattern recognition to let us know that they are here. Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real.

Our earthly 1,111 Spirit Guardians, often called "Midwayers," have been assisting folks of all walks of life for many centuries. George Barnard, the original human member of the 11:11 Progress Group, has been privileged to call them his family, his coworkers, friends and teachers for almost 60 years.




have you ever wanted to meet yourself?

I'm walking a straight line, but I need more direction

can you see me?

I'm over here!

what to do what to do

wzwzwz! hari ini hari Minggu.. dan pagi-pagi sekali nyonya besar alias mother membangunkanku yang sedang tertidur lelaaaaaap.. untuk bersepeda! pertama kali aku ajak CFDan udah keliatan semangat 45. Daaaaan sejak saat itu setiap Minggu aku dibangunkan untuk menemani beliau berolahraga :') oke deh mother. aku bersedia kok. aku ikhlas. aku kan ingin membuatmu bahagia selalu (?) HAHA.

sekarang jam 12.3o dan aku belum mandiiiii xixixi. nyonya besar udah ngeroweng daritadi buat nyuruh mandi.. tapi apa dayaaa.. tak akan ada yang bisa melawan keteguhan hatiku. *dancing*
okeeee ini semakin gajelas yaaa tapi yaudahlah saking ga ada kerjaan juga HAHAHA. byeeee

I do remember your name

We met at the carnival

You said till we meet again

I guess here we are now

Better That We Break

I never knew perfection til
I heard you speak, and now it kills me
Just to hear you say the simple things
Now waking up is hard to do
And sleeping is impossible too
Everything is reminding me of you
What can I do?

It’s not right, not OK
Say the words that you say
Maybe we’re better off this way?
I’m not fine, I’m in pain
It’s harder everyday
Maybe we’re better off this way?
It’s better that we break…

A fool to let you slip away
I chase you just to hear you say
You’re scared and that you think that I’m insane

The city look so nice from here
Pity I can’t see it clearly
While you’re standing there, it disappears
It disappears

It’s not right, not OK
Say the word it should say

Maybe we’re better off this way?
I’m not fine, I’m in pain
It’s harder everyday
Maybe we’re better off this way?
It’s better that we break

Saw you sitting all alone
You’re fragile and you’re cold, but that’s all right
Life these days is getting rough
They’ve knocked you down and beat you up
But it’s just a rollercoaster anyway, yeah

It’s not right, not OK
Say the words that you say
Maybe we’re better off this way?
I’m not fine, I’m in pain
It’s harder everyday
Maybe we’re better off this way?

I’m not fine, not OK
Say the words that you say
Maybe we’re better off this way?

I’m not fine, I’m in pain
It’s harder everyday
Maybe we’re better off this way?
It’s better that we break, baby

March 5, 2011


remember  when you said 'wah 9 bulan lama banget ya'?
remember when the first time we met?
remember where is it?
remember when you said "ayo winda semangat! kamu pasti bisa kok"?
remember when you said that you want me to come to your house?
remember when you give me that bracelet?
remember when you woke me up every morning?
remember when you picked me up when i came?
remember when you said 'aku mau love you nya dari hati bukan dari bibir'?
remember when you sang elmo's song for me by phone?
remember when we talked all night long talking about everything?
remember when you promised me you will try your best not to hurt me not to disappoint me twice?
i can't remember all the things we've spent together for 1620000 secs.
too many thing we've passed together :)


I don't wanna be the one that you come running to when someone runs away from you.


1...2...3...! Tadaaaaaaaa...! hahaha. im a new user btw. Iseng pake banget bikin blog iniii. Karena ga ada kerjaan dan membusuk di rumah di hari libur seperti ini. Gatau harus nulis tentang apa nih. Mood lagi up and down sebenernya. Tapi yaudahlah cukup sekian dulu. bye